Dynamic Vinyasa Flow with Mags

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Every Monday 8pm

Please note, no class on April 15th.

Mixed-level dynamic Vinyasa flow accessible both to those who are new to yoga and those with an established practice – offering many options, thoughtful sequencing, precise cues and most importantly, a space for you to make the practice your own. Combining breath and movement, Mags’ classes are strong yet gentle, and leave you feeling both grounded and uplifted.


£12 for NHS
£8 for those experiencing financial hardship/on low incomes (self-assess).
Any questions please email: karenova.magdalena@gmail.com
Instagram: @magsiemags_

Please go to the homepage to find the link to the up-to-date Students’ Guidelines.

About Mags

headshot smallInitially drawn to Yoga in 2015 by the physical benefits of the practice, Mags found that after a couple of years of dedication, she was noticing a shift not only in her strength and flexibility but also in the way she was approaching life; the philosophies of the practice were enabling her to live more mindfully, compassionately & peacefully.

To deepen her knowledge in 2022 Mags embarked upon teacher training with High Yoga School. She immediately fell in love with teaching and realized she needed to share everything this beautiful lifelong practice has to offer.

She is a dedicated, energetic, and zealous teacher and person with a deep connection to the practice of Yoga.

When you arrive in class I will meet you exactly as you are in the hope that you nurture your ability to honour yourself; your body, your emotions and your energy so that you live class feeling energised, nourished and empowered.